By: Dr. Esteban Morales van Kwartel
PART III : J’accuse…!
When the truth is hidden underground, it becomes concentrated, acquires such explosive force that, the day it explodes, everything jumps with it.
Emilio Zolá
Note: this is a translation from an article written on 10/15/2020
It is important to establish here that we understand, appreciate and promote the development of scientific creativity to seek appropriate measures to control the transmission of diseases, especially epidemic ones. However, we believe that efforts should be aimed primarily at avoiding or reducing mortality. In this sense, measures such as social distancing; hygiene; and detection and isolation of cases have always demonstrated, in the history of public health, since the time of Galen and before, their effectiveness in controlling diseases. The total closure of activities is, by logic and by evidence, an unjustified measure, the effectiveness of which, as is derived from what is presented in part I I of this work, has not been demonstrated with sufficient scientific evidence. On the contrary, this measure is linked to the generation of major economic upheavals, which directly generate disturbances to the well-being of people, which, directly and indirectly, generate serious public health problems.
According to a prestigious Swedish economic organization [1] , the global economy, in the countries of the European Community, as a … Continuar